Route of the 3 most beautiful valleys of northern Spain

The Leizarán-Plazaola, Ulzama-Basaburua and Bidasoa valleys, located between the regions of Guipúzcoa and Navarre, are called the Route of the 3 most beautiful valleys in the North of Spain. They are true paradises for nature, hiking and cycling lovers. These valleys offer lush green landscapes, lush forests of beech and[...]

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2 Essential one day routes from San Sebastian

If there is something beautiful and spectacular about San Sebastian, it is the green mountains that surround it.  This rugged coastline with its cliffs that merge with the blue sea are sporting, cultural and gastronomic attractions for day trips by bicycle. Crossing the coastal villages near the capital or sitting[...]

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2 Ilustrious Characters born in Getaria

a     Her beginnings in the art of sewing date back to her childhood when she alternated in the sewing workshop where her mother worked. This place was located in the city of San Sebastián, which at that time was where the Spanish aristocracy and royal family spent their[...]

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Laida Beach is an excellent point in order to start this amazing route. This natural and sandy beach located at the mouth of the Oka River. This  flow of water is what structures all the natural treasures that the protected area of ​​Urdaibai. Urdaibai is a natural region and Biosphere[...]

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The three charming towns in The Basque French land

The southwest of France together with the Spanish north covers an extension that includes the Basque lands on its Spanish and French sides. From the luxury and elegance of coastal cities such as San Sebastián and Biarritz, with a lifestyle typical of the "Belle Epoque", to inland areas, where picturesque[...]

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Las 5 mejores razones para visitar el Pais Vasco en temporada baja... Barra con diferentes pintxos

The Main 5 reasons to visit the Basque Country in low season…

Traveling to Spain is a good decision that you have made to spend the holidays this year that we have just released. If you have also chosen the Basque Country as your destination, then your decision has been perfect. It does not matter what time of year you visit us,[...]

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Que es el " Txakoli " ? varias gildas en un plato

What is The ” Txakoli “?

One of the most evolved wines that has been more successful in recent years has been called "Txakoli" in Basque. It is a white wine, with a certain small bubble that comes from a vine that produces a small and greenish grape, cultivated with great care and affection along the[...]

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Any age is good for to riding a bike …

To enjoy a bicycle route anywhere in our geography: Basque Country, La Rioja, Navarra, age is the least important thing. Today there are no excuses to go out and run several days of kilometers through interesting areas such as greenways, long-distance routes, called GRs or any other that we want[...]

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Los Caminos de Santiago, Carril bici

The ” Camino de Santiago”

In the Basque Country there are the most northern greenpaths of the Peninsula, with kilometers adapted for cycling through old railway lines. The itineraries run among green valleys and narrow passes, sourronded  with  oak forests , beech and other native tree species. The Basque Coast is dotted with small fishing[...]

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Green unknown Gipuzkoa

Beyond San Sebastian, towards the south / south west, the province of Gipuzkoa expands, mountainous, green, with its cities  settled in the valleys of its main rivers. Its main road, the one that connects the French border through Irún and leaves souther towards Alava, has historically been the main link[...]

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Donostia-San Sebastián: Innovative and Sustainable Tourism

Love San Sebastian. Live Donostia San Sebastian - Donostia : Award to Sustainability and Innovation Under the Love San Sebastian, Live Donostia, touristic advertising campaign the Donostia-San Sebastian council has received the “Sustainability & Innovation” award in event held in Saint Petersburg last September 10th and organised by the World[...]

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Las grandes ventajas de la temporada baja , Pareja paseando con la bici

The great advantages of the low season ¡¡¡

We are approaching the end of the summer season, and this means that we will enter a time of many advantages if what we want is to travel by bicycle along the roads of the Basque Country or La Rioja from the month of September . If you want good[...]

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Privileged places in The Basque Country coast

SAN SEBASTIAN IS A BEAUTIFUL CITY ...... Neverheless The Basque country has other privileged places. There is no doubt that Donosti is a spectacular city, with its old part, the bars with their counters of exquisite "pintxos", its fantastic urban beach of "La Concha", the beach of Gros where surfers[...]

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Estuario de Urdaibai, paisaje panoramico de desembocadura del rio

Urdaibai Estuary

Let´s talk about a unique and wild environment: the estuary of Urdaibai. UNESCO declared this site as Reserve of the Biosphere and therefore protected spot since 1984. It is part of the Man & Biosphere project aiming at preserving the natural and cultural environment where it is located by thriving[...]

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Una vuelta por la mejor playa urbana de Europa, Bahia de San Sebastian

A ride in the best European urban beach

This 5 kilometres ride can be followed in any direction, we will start West to East admiring the beaches of Ondarreta, La Concha and La Zurriola. Ondarreta is the name of the district where the beach sits. Starting the ride at “Peine de los vientos” sculpture created by Chillida and[...]

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Pintxos en san Sebastian, barra con pintxos

Tapas in San Sebastian

During the month of November the well known mid marathon course Behobia-San Sebastian was held. Many of the athletes use to come with their families aiming at enjoying the local gastronomy at the bars placed in the  old  “lo viejo” district.

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Se completan 60 km de carril bici, Ciclista pasando por un tunel

60 km. of bike lane completed in Donosti

Next bike lane opening in Aiete will allow the city of San Sebastian-Donosti to sum up 60 km. for bike riding. From basquebiketours we are always widening our portfolio of leisure cycling by customising it to auto-guided, guided, in family and others our clients may require.

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